Wednesday, January 7, 2009 Is delicious

In case you haven't looked at the site since Library 2.0, delicious is now new-and-improved. First of all, site's URL has been changed from "" to just "" I kind of liked the old URL, once I got used to typing it.

Still, change is good. The new delicious has changed for the better. Some of the old clunkier features have been re-worked, and newer features have been added to help the user.

There is a short movie by "Commoncraft" about delicious that I would like everyone to view as part of your pre-work assignment. It is based upon the old, but I would like everyone to view this in order to gain some basic knowledge about social networking and tagging.

1 comment:

George said...

I have completed the prework (although some of the information about tags is still confusing to me) but I expect this will be cleared up during the classes. the video was excellent, clearing many things up about social bookmarking. Unfortunately many of us at FCPL don't have individual computers (we have several we use as a group - whichever is available) so I could not set up a button for quick access to delicious.
George Busse
Battlestargalactica on delicious!