Your intersession assignment is as follows:
- Navigate to HCPLLINX's account (use what you now know about delicious to find your way there). Explore this member's network of branches.
- Navigate to, and explore Enoch Pratt Free Library's delicious network of departments.
- Save at least 10 favorite links in your delicious account. Be sure to tag and describe them well. There is an optional exercise below that will quickly build your set of links.
- Navigate to Explore the list of links using the tag sidebar on the right. Try to reorganize the way the links appear (cloud, list, alpha, etc).
- Network with delicousclass by becoming it's fan. Explore our network thoroughly as it changes and grows. Revisit this activity 3 or 4 times over the next 2 weeks to contribute to the development of this network by:
- becoming mutual fans of at least 5 members of this class
- saving links for your fans
- viewing links that your fans have saved, and saving them for yourself.
6. Add a comment to this blog entry. Let us know how you fared while doing this intersession assignment. Please use the blog entry area to tell about any challenges or pitfalls you encountered, as well as your pleasant surprises, and "ah-ha" experiences.
Optional: Navigate to and follow the prompts to import your browser's favorites into your delicious account. (Be advised that anyone will be able to view your links).
So...the intercession assignment. I was able to do most of it without much difficulty, but I STILL am confused about #5! Even with a couple of emails from Annette, I am still having trouble figuring out how to do it! I guess I will have to wait until our class next Wednesday, unless I have a big "aha" before then!
Kathy from HCL
I did most of the intercession assignment without any difficulty..... However I was a little confused about the "fan" stuff. I think I understand it....but I am not sure... I do like using delicious for my bookmarks because now I can use by bookmarks anywhere at anytime with any computer... I am looking forward to learning more about delicious.
I noticed that a few classmates didn't give their delicious names, so I couldn't add them to my network or share a link with them. I found that Kathy, Peggy and Debra had added me to their network, so I did the same to become mutual fans. I searched my network links. I downloaded a link from Debra. Noticed that the notes didn't copy over, so I went back and copied and pasted her notes. I added one more site to my bookmarks and sent it to Jeri. I created some tag bundles. I love Harf's delicious info to help families in need and what Pratt has created. Hope we can do the same at Caroline. This is fun! And it's Sunday and I'm still in my jammies (smile).
I think that the difficulty with #5 is with the terminology that delicious uses. You might want to look at the deliciousclass account's network as you read this:
When you look at a user's network sidebar, you will see other users listed under "Network" and "Fans."
If I add you to my network, I appear as a "fan" in your sidebar, and you are listed in mine as a member of my network. However, I am not a member of your network until you make the relationship mutual.
When the relationship is mutual, we appear as fans of one another.
Hope that's clearer than mud.
In any case, I'll go over it and illustrate with a "field trip." See you in class.
Hi! I'm using my dbmatt personal account to add you guys in my network as fans. So if you would please add me so we can be 'mutual fans' that would be great.
I have two mutual fans from other librarians out there at the moment, neither of whom are in the class as far as I know. :-)
I think I added one of you to my aacplnco account, but may not leave you on that one unless it is a 'work related' account. It appears that many of your accounts are your personal ones that include work / library related sites as well as personal sites.
My dbmatt contains both.
How do I 'save links for my fans?' It looks like I see all my 'fans' / 'network' sites when I click on Network. Is that true? I have added links from other sites to my site.
Am I missing something here?
Do we have a 'snow day' option? Just curious. It may or may not be fine tomorrow. But is snowing here in Anne Arundel County at the moment. We're still open but schools are closed.
Saving for others in your network: If you are in a mutual relationship with another user, the tag, "for:username" appears at the bottom of the tagging form. You merely click that, save the form, and the site appears in the "inbox" of the other user.
Snow day: Alas, I had to cancel us. I will be on annual leave next week, and either teaching or being taught for the following 2 weeks. I have sent you all links to a poll to try and decide when to hold the makeup class.
Please feel free to continue communicating both here and via email with me, as some of you have when you had questions. Also, please feel free to use the delicious account as your playground.
This is a late comment I know. Procrastination is my middle name. Anyway, I have finally figured out the fan thing - and was pleased at how many knitters or textile people are in this class! Here's to snow days and found hours for knitting!
Well - I have some bookmarks and have created a network which added MANY more bookmarks. I created one tag cloud just to try it out. Looking forward to Thursday to learn more!
I, too, am a bit confused with the networking/fans bit. I added everyone who put their delicious account name in the first assignment post to my network, at least.
I sent a bookmark for to everyone in my network. I don't like all the tags that added, though (for:deliciouscalss, for:skloc, etc.). Too cluttered for us OCD folks. Will these go away when they accept or delete the message in their inbox?
This is Rita Sherman and my Delicious name is ilove2learn. I'm having a lot of fun with Delicious networking. I am having some difficulty saving my comments on this blog. Also I do not yet understand the difference between adding someone to my network and becoming a fan. I am looking forward to learning a lot more about Delicious!
Thank foк this blog. It helps me make the best term paper. Thank for share this.
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